The Collaborative International Dictionary
Noyous \Noy"ous\, a. Annoying; disagreeable. [Obs.]
Watch the noyous night, and wait for joyous day.
a. (label en now rare archaic) troublesome; harmful, injurious.
Usage examples of "noyous".
But all the liquour, which was fowle and wast,Not good nor seruiceable else for ought,They in another great round vessell plast,Till by a conduit pipe it thence were brought:And all the rest, that noyous was, and nought,By secret wayes, that none might it espy,Was close conuaid, and to the back-gate brought,That cleped was Port Esquiline, wherebyIt was auoided quite, and throwne out priuily.
As when faire Cynthia, in darkesome night,Is in a noyous cloud enueloped,Where she may find the substaunce thin and light,Breakes forth her siluer beames, and her bright hedDiscouers to the world discomfited.