- "Fake news!"
- ''Au contraire!''
- Contrary to fact
- "Au contraire"
- ''That's a lie!''
- Two-word denial
- Made up, maybe
- "Think again!"
- "That's false!"
- ''You're wrong!''
- Made up, say
- "That's wrong!"
- "That's untrue!": 2 wds
- "That's untrue!"
- "That's just wrong!"
- "That's incorrect"
- "That's inaccurate"
- "On the contrary"
- "It isn't true!"
- "I beg to differ . . ."
- "--- fast!" (slow down)
- "--- fast!"
- 'That's false'
- 'That's a lie'
- Untrue: 2 wds
- "That's a lie!"
- "___fast!"
- "___ fast!" ("Hey!")
- False
- "Uh-uh!"
- "Au contraire!"
- "Untrue!"
- "I beg to differ"
- "I beg to differ!": 2 wds
- "Baloney!"
- "Wrong!"
- With 59-Down, unimpressive
- Au contraire
- Wrong
- "You are mistaken!"
- "That's plain wrong!"
- "False!"
- "On the contrary!"
- "_____ fast, buster!"
- ___ hot (middling)
- Words of denial
- "You're mistaken"
- Skeptical retort