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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nosocomial \Nos`o*co"mi*al\ (n[o^]s`[-o]*k[=o]"m[i^]*al), a. [L. nosocomium a hospital, Gr. nosokomei^on; no`sos disease + komei^n to attend to.]

  1. Of or pertaining to a hospital; as, nosocomial atmosphere.

  2. Acquired in a hospital; as, a nosocomial infection.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1855, from Latin nosocomium, from Greek nosokomeion, from nosos "disease." Nosocome was a 17c. word for "hospital."


a. 1 (label en medicine chiefly of infections or their causal agents) Arising from hospital treatment or environment. 2 (label en chiefly applied to bad results) Of, relating to, happening in a hospital.


adj. taking place or originating in a hospital; "nosocomial infection"

Usage examples of "nosocomial".

That would mean Hard’s illness was a nosocomial infection, as he suspected Nodelman’s was as well as Mueller’s.

I want Helen to confirm that National Health is clean when it comes to nosocomial or hospital-based infections.

The problem with the idea about nosocomial infection in general is that it could be a good one.

If it turns out the plague originated there, it will be the first modern episode of nosocomial plague.

Of course, nosocomial tularemia doesn’t make any more sense than nosocomial plague.

But the point is that National Health is sensitive about this nosocomial infection issue.

But as Laurie had pointed out, by definition, only Nodelman was a nosocomial case.

You were the one who suggested causing AmeriCare trouble with nosocomial infection.

Manfred stares blearily up at the nurse’s nose, which is red and slightly inflamed from a nosocomial infection.