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a. Not viable: not capable of independent life; not practicable. alt. Not viable: not capable of independent life; not practicable.


adj. not capable of living or developing successfully

Usage examples of "nonviable".

The display revealed that an alarming amount of Skin muscle in his left leg had degraded to a nonviable level.

The constantly rising scale of nonviable mutant births indicates that the evolutionary mechanism itself is seriously deranged.

As Darwin himself had found with pigeons, when extremes are crossed at their limit, they either become nonviable or revert abruptly to the original stock.

Those topsy-turvy atoms proved to be nonviable beyond a few millionths of a micro-second, and it gradually became clear that even in this short lifetime the time in which they lived was running backwards.

But if they had been inside the womb they would have been nonviable tissue mass.

And the fact that the results of the experiments have been almost invariably negative, in the sense that as a usual result the subject animals evolved into nonviable forms, is completely unimportant.

Squadron D have to be revised if four of the twenty probed are either ecologically nonviable or prove to be failed colonies.

Unit nonviable for transference of system or organic persona for another 31,500 hours.

They said that if his code sequences evolved into something else they would almost certainly be nonfunctional, nonviable, as most mutations are, and would just foul up the operation of the computer software.

The Reaper wandered through this virtual universe and harvested old 80-byte critters and nonviable mutants.

Forced ripening made for a high proportion of defective zygotes, including nonviables.