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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Nonverbal signals form an important part of communication.
▪ At least she had gotten a logical, if nonverbal, response to her question.
▪ By twelve to eighteen months, chil-dren are entering the second stage of nonverbal communication, in which they abstract patterns.
▪ Observing behaviour Observing behaviour is easy because behaviour, verbal and nonverbal, is always overt and therefore eminently observable.
▪ Oh no, was her nonverbal reply; this is how it should be done.
▪ Remember, children with a tendency to-ward aggression often misinterpret nonverbal messages.
▪ She was an expert in nonverbal communication.
▪ Some simulations, such as flight, are largely nonverbal, but some have a high verbal content.
▪ The second stage involves understanding and communicating with nonverbal patterns.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

nonverbal \nonverbal\, non-verbal \non-verbal\adj. Involving little or no use of language; as, gestures are a form of nonverbal communication.

Syn: non-verbal.


a. (alternative spelling of non-verbal English) n. (alternative spelling of non-verbal English)

  1. adj. being other than verbal communication; "the study of gestural communication"; "art like gesture is a form of nonverbal expression" [syn: gestural]

  2. concerned with numbers rather than words; "the numerical part of the test"; "the nonverbal factor"

  3. lacking verbal skill; "rural students often come from nonverbal backgrounds"

  4. involving little use of language; "a nonverbal intelligence test"


Usage examples of "nonverbal".

Myths around the world include heroes who speak directly to gods, and some anthropologists have speculated that just as the right brain can bypass the left to receive nonverbal, nonrational insights, so ancient humans could bypass the claims of rationality and perceive gods, fairies, gnomes, angels, and other beings whose material existence is much doubted by the left brain.

For example, lesions in the right hemisphere of the cerebral cortex may lead to impairments in thought and action, but in the nonverbal realm, which is, by definition, difficult for the patient or the physician to describe.

A wide range of experiments shows that lesions in the right temporal lobe produce amnesia for certain types of nonverbal material, while lesions in the left temporal lobe produce a characteristic loss of memory for language.

A negotiation, or even an exchange of threats and counterthreats seemed unlikely, given the participants’ nonverbal natures.

Fleon Sunoco at the NIH, who is independently rich, hires grave robbers to bring him the brains of deceased members of Mensa, a nationwide club for persons with high Intelligence Quotients, or IQs, as determined by standardized tests of verbal and nonverbal skills, tests which pit the testees against the Joe and Jane Sixpacks, against the Lumpenproletariat.

The opening scene of a Round sets the mood and the flavor for the whole production, and what you're telling them is that this is a slow, nonverbal, nonmusical entertainment in which the action is both violent and, still worse, interminable.

It was a form of nonverbal communication that had no need of translation.

The two men seemed to share a moment of nonverbal communication, and then they looked back down at her.

It had taken her years to master the finer subtleties of Terran nonverbal communication, but Phlox was already a master of it.

In the first place-I told you I've been taught nonverbal communication techniques for peoples without translator disks-they made it clear to me that that meant me no harm.

We were back to the primeval means of nonverbal communication: picture writing.

He glanced at her, and the two exchanged a quick piece of nonverbal communication.