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a. 1 (context of an action English) Done without forethought 2 (context of a person English) Tending not to think n. Not thinking; the absence of thought.

Usage examples of "nonthinking".

According to the master, nothingness-the pregnant void, nonthinking, nondesiring, nonbeing, consciousness turned inward and so purged, so purified that it no longer distinguished itself-was a mental state devoutly to be wished.

The vitalist argument has not gone away as a consequence, however, but has simply shifted levels and reappeared in a new disguise: instead of between the living and the nonliving, it now searches for some fundamental difference between the thinking and the nonthinking, between mind and body.

I was angry with myself for having made such a display of nonthinking, though it was due to the need for concentration on maintaining the scar.