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a. Not symmetrical.

Usage examples of "nonsymmetrical".

This time there was no escape valve up through the weak, nonsymmetrical, semisolid layers.

She was wearing a long formal ocean-blue gown with elaborate nonsymmetrical loops of gold and a pearl necklace that seemed to merge with her glittering OCtattoos.

Not only because the Prismatic flora grew in nonsymmetrical fractal shapes, but also because so many of them were highly reflective.

Incred­ibly, that’s all we began with: a detailed description of what became the prototype Motie, the Engineer: an attempt to build a nonsymmetrical alien, left over from a Niven story that never quite jelled.

Incredibly, that's all we began with: a detailed description of what became the prototype Motie, the Engineer: an attempt to build a nonsymmetrical alien, left over from a Niven story that never quite jelled.

This was because, unlike the half-dead, trolls drew their powers from nature, particularly from trees and certain nonsymmetrical crystalline rocks like quartz.