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a. 1 not specific 2 (context of an infection English) not caused by a specific pathogen 3 (context of a person's immunity English) not caused by previous infection or vaccination 4 (context of a microscopic stain English) that does not just stain one type of tissue


adj. not caused by a specific agent; used also of staining in making microscope slides; "nonspecific enteritis" [ant: specific, specific]

Usage examples of "nonspecific".

That means as opposed to anaphylactoid shock related to nonspecific release of mediators.

She made endless computer simulations, to prove that it was possible to construct functional proteins organized by simple, nonspecific domains of polar and nonpolar amino acids.

She made endless computer simulations to prove that it was possible to construct functional proteins organized by simple, nonspecific domains of polar and nonpolar amino acids.

They referred to other students in their own faculties as their conspecifics, and to all other human beings as nonspecifics.

Communications, notify the hospital of the presence of a possible cross-species infection involving a wide range of nonspecific allergic reactions and originating with Patients Hewlitt and Morredeth, who are required for further clinical examination.

Idaho stopped where Moneo had stood and there was a veiled look of nonspecific suspicions in his eyes, in the set of his shoulders.