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a. Not sentient. n. Any entity that is not sentient.

Usage examples of "nonsentient".

Usually Nikko left them alone, relying on a nonsentient submind to look out for their welfare and ring an alarm should something go wrong.

After all, Ranats were no relation whatsoever to the nonsentient Tatooine womp rats!

Typical Qanska births came as a litter, with the mix including one sentient Qanskan Baby and a whole mess of nonsentient food-animal runts.

Posleen started life, dumped in a pen with nonsentient age mates, struggling to survive every moment.

Those nonsentient hulks must have been bred through countless generations to give blood and body fluids, the way humans had bred milk cows.

There were only a few dozen organisms represented, but for most of the children they were the only nonsentient beings they had ever seen.

It was all built of dark laser-cut native stone, the sort of work done by nonsentient robots working from a standard plan without intelligent direction.

They cannot have evolved from nonsentient precursors in such a hostile environment.

Man originally had only himself as a subject, he now had literally thousands of races, many with such foreign values that simply separating sentient from nonsentient life forms became a titanic task.

No nonsentient life form could possibly come up with so many different aberrant reactions to the same stimuli.

She was tempted at times to declare that Greenies were nonsentient and wash her hands of the whole affair, except that, like everyone else, she had a sneaking suspicion that they were indeed capable of thought.

There are nonsentient animals on the planet, and we assumed chucks or sloths took the food.

The device secretes microfilaments into the brain to obtain raw data, whereafter it acts as an enhancement and logic coprocessor, enabling instant "uplift" of various nonsentient animals.

The production of wool, milk, and meat and animal husbandry in general, seemed less harmonious with robotic labor than the cultivation of nonsentient plant life.