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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nonsensical \Non*sen"si*cal\, a. Without sense; unmeaning; absurd; foolish; irrational; preposterous. -- Non*sen"si*cal*ly, adv. -- Non*sen"si*cal*ness, n.


adv. In a nonsensical manner.

Usage examples of "nonsensically".

Drake found himself humming, whistling nonsensically, fragments of melody from a time in his life when every song was new, a motley banner in the tumultuous air.

Watching movies and eating homemade popcorn on a chilly Saturday afternoon—it seemed so easy, almost nonsensically easy, but she'd really never wanted much else.

Watching movies and eating homemade popcorn on a chilly Saturday afternoon-it seemed so easy, almost nonsensically easy, but she'd really never wanted much else.