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a. Not sapient.

Usage examples of "nonsapient".

It took several tries, with Kamanov's help, before everyone understood that, even in their own version of reality, nonsapient creatures similar to Mister Thoggosh had been supreme on Earth far longer than humans—even mammals, Kamanov told them—had so far existed.

You're familiar with eels, skates, rays, other aquatic nonsapients that do this with special cells in their nervous systems?

It's well known that many nonsapient species, what you call pack rats, for example, and several bright species of squid, like collecting colorful, shiny objects.

Similarly, it's irrelevant—life having arisen from that randomness—to nonsapient organisms governed by simple tropisms and instincts generated in the trial-and-error process of mutation and natural selection.

Mine, too, although we both have nonsapient relatives who tend to confuse their suitors with a midnight snack.

To Dr*f*rst*v, he looked like a nonsapient primate wrapped in dough, ready for baking—one of his favorite dishes.

In all the myriad alternative worlds of infinite probability, neither they nor their soft-bodied nonsapient ancestors left any fossil record.

He was aware that even his symbiote, a nonsapient reptile, had a better sense of humor than he did.

It seemed to be a living thing in itself, perhaps the nonsapient male component of a species otherwise consisting entirely of females.

Instead of sending a tentacle for drinks while everyone distributed themselves about the room, Mister Thoggosh had refreshments brought by several of the large, nonsapient insects used as servants.

It was called a kitten, that is an immature cat, which is a nonsapient Earth-evolved pet that was technically the property of my parents although its behavior suggested that the opposite held true.

That is why it vacated a short-lived, nonsapient life-form like your cat and returned to you as soon as its work was done.

For several minutes it seemed that the Padre and himself had been forgotten as they debated the possibility of retracing Lonvelun’s travels before its arrival in Sector General with a view to finding the virus creature’s planet of origin and other, perhaps nonsapient members of its species who could be studied and, hopefully, helped to proliferate.

Pockets of sapients on nonsapient planets will be sorted out after all potential major resistance has been nullified.

In my opinion, it was more likely that Lesy and the others were squeamish about taking in so much nonsapient mass.