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The Collaborative International Dictionary

nonpolitical \nonpolitical\ adj. not political. Opposite of political. [Narrower terms: apolitical, unpolitical]


a. not political; not related to politics


adj. not political [ant: political]

Usage examples of "nonpolitical".

The records management people were nonpolitical civil servants, she noted.

Believe it or not, he even invites Maria Posador to nonpolitical functions such as thisshe was invited today, I know for a fact, because I have seen the list of guests.

The problem throughout had been that this situation was essentially nonpolitical, Charlie had been in charge, and Charlie had no idea what he was doing.

They had investigated him, since his battalion had been allotted an all-important task, and satisfied themselves that he was a nonpolitical officer who would obey the orders of his immediate superiors.

The real power in the agency-by which I mean the consistent power-lies just below the deputy director and his subordinate: the number four position, nonpolitical, nonappointed, based on merit, on experience within the agency.

There was no need as the freezing nonpolitical prisoners warmed their limbs through strenuous exercise.

Holmes had swung himself off his couch and made a totally nonpolitical move by getting down to cases in his first sentence.

George, where radicals, socialists, Democrats, Republicans, nonpolitical students, highly political scientists, and their women-all against Industrial Parks, smog, tract houses, foundations-not-paying-taxes, profiteering in 7-million-dollar Saturn and Polaris missiles, Presidents with weak hearts, with weak backs, et cetera, et cetera .

The Shamrock was an Irish dart bar, as nonpolitical as any of them got.

He has even sent us a copy of the shooting script to show us the story is nonpolitical, harmless.

As President-General of the Society of Assassins, I must be nonpolitical.