Crossword clues for nonpartisan
The Collaborative International Dictionary
nonpartisan \nonpartisan\ adj.
free from party affiliation or bias. Opposite of partisan. [Narrower terms: bipartisan, bipartizan, two-party, two-way; {independent ] [Narrower terms: {nonparty, non-party ]
Syn: nonpartizan.
not affiliated with any one party; as, a nonpartisan commission to study crime.
a. Not partisan; impartial and unbiased alt. 1 One who is not a partisan. 2 A person who has not selected or declared a side or party. n. 1 One who is not a partisan. 2 A person who has not selected or declared a side or party.
adj. free from party affiliation or bias [syn: nonpartizan] [ant: partisan]
Usage examples of "nonpartisan".
Barring a last-minute miracle at the Capitol, boundaries for new legislative and congressional districts will be drawn by a nonpartisan expert, and ratified by the judges in late May.
Smith 111, the Virginia Commonwealth University professor and fellow at the nonpartisan Center for Media and Public Affairs, offered a detailed analysis of how the elite media neutralize their critics.
Josef enough to dare some unauthorized search and destroy missions into the northern Wilds and eastern nonpartisan sectors.
By its very nature, the Secret Service is a nonpartisan organization, but men being political animals, everyone has a line beyond which he cannot remain aloof, and the Expulsions violated that line for many Service personnel.
Mithris had made it plain that while he and his lady had attended the meeting, the House of Helarn intended to remain nonpartisan, and they could not look there for any support other than the bare minimum.
For a fleeting interlude the prospect of truly nonpartisan cooperation between them appeared attainable.
Republican -- I am chiefly nonpartisan in my politics, preferring to remain available to come to the aid of anyone in need regardless of race, ethnic origin, religion, or creed.
Doar was committed to running a process that the public and history would judge as nonpartisan and fair, no matter what the outcome.
Factor by Sarah Eltantawi of the objective, nonpartisan, well-groomed Muslim Public Affairs Council.
Whoever had chosen them had done an excellent job: they were professional, experienced, nonpartisan, and classy in a nonintimidating way.