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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nonobservance \Non`ob*serv"ance\ (n[o^]n`[o^]b*z[~e]rv"ans), n. Neglect or failure to observe or fulfill.


n. The failure to observe a custom, or to conform with a law


n. a lack of conformity with law or custom or practice etc. [ant: honoring]

Usage examples of "nonobservance".

In spite of the complaints of the French as to the nonobservance of the rules, in spite of the fact that to some highly placed Russians it seemed rather disgraceful to fight with a cudgel and they wanted to assume a pose en quarte or en tierce according to all the rules, and to make an adroit thrust en prime, and so on the cudgel of the people's war was lifted with all its menacing and majestic strength, and without consulting anyone's tastes or rules and regardless of anything else, it rose and fell with stupid simplicity, but consistently, and belabored the French till the whole invasion had perished.

The stamp of publicity had of course been fully given by her confinement and departure, and the change itself was now ushered in by our nonobservance of the regular custom of the schoolroom.