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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nonmember \Non*mem"ber\, n. One who is not a member; as, nonmembers are not allowed in the club reading room.


n. (alternative spelling of non-member English)


n. a person who is not a member [ant: member]

Usage examples of "nonmember".

State where cotton gins are held to be public utilities and their rates regulated, the granting of a license to a cooperative association distributing profits ratably to members and nonmembers does not deny other persons operating gins equal protection when there is nothing in the laws to forbid them to distribute their net earnings among their patrons.

Other nonmembers can be invited for a hearing if required, but this is selTHE ODESSA FILE ill dom done.

Mercenary fighters were nonmembers hired on short-term contracts to help the gang fight turf wars.