The Collaborative International Dictionary
a. (alternative spelling of non-living English)
Usage examples of "nonliving".
Today I am two hundred and nine qualified beings, who have at their instant disposal all knowledge accumulated in my nonliving part and all its ability to analyze and integrate.
Kirsting, on the other hand, said they were from a system halfway between living tissue and nonliving, the product of a technobiology of unknown origin and function.
Something on the order of a cancer in nonliving mechanisms that had a subtle and complex microstructure?
Either they oppose us, offensively or defensively, or the pacification-destruction of the nonliving war zone heats up the conflict that is still smoldering on the planet, and thereby we push them into total war.
The ship, like an organism living yet nonliving, had been given the capacity for regeneration.
Kirk had clustered both parties into a single tight group as far from any nonliving structure as he could, offering as clean a lift as possible on the assumption Scott would opt to pick them up with the cargo transporter.
It was the beginning of an evolution of nonliving things, an evolution of machines.
But many humans were perfectly comfortable with harboring nonliving parts.
Considering that she was clearly distraught over the nonliving status of the man upon the ground, I decided that my surmise was accurate.
In short, the metaphysical principle of reductionism declares that there is nothing that living or nonliving things do that cannot be understood from the point of view that they are made of atoms acting according to the laws of physics.
Micro Business Machines and General Electric re was still a lot of amorphously skittish international law ties like Pylos, most of it centering on whether artificial had fulfilled enough of the Turing test to qualify as citile countries AIs had rights comparable to nonliving legal corporations.
Number Two: Magic that makes changes in living and nonliving things is called True Magic.
It inflated with compressed air and rose to the surface, trailing a long thin line which the colonel now hammered into the nonliving coral base below with just one blow.
The only real difference between a man born of a mother and father and a perfectly humanized machine would be the building material: living, nonliving.
Sometimes it was as if he were walking on the remains of organic machines—hybrid beings, half-animal, arisen from the union of the living and the nonliving, of reason and unreason—and sometimes it was as if he were bringing his iridium boots down on weirdly spreading gems, precious and impure, partially clouded due to interpenetrations and metamorphoses.