n. 1 (context uncountable English) The state of being nonlinear 2 (context countable English) A deviation from linearity
Nonlinear generally refers to a situation that has a disproportionate cause and effect.
Nonlinearity is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by IOP Publishing and the London Mathematical Society. The journal covers all aspects of nonlinear science, featuring topics which range from physics, mathematics, and engineering through to biological sciences. The editors-in-chief are Edgar Knobloch ( University of California, Berkeley) and Anatoly I. Neishtadt ( Loughborough University and the Russian Space Research Institute).
Usage examples of "nonlinearity".
And, in that precise instant of infinite possibility, the Constructors fired their Nonlinearity Engines.
The buffeting I had experienced at the moment of Nonlinearity had faded, leaving me without a sense of place, time or duration.
Watchers had taken the crude, explosive Nonlinearity Engines developed by the Constructors and developed them to a fine pitch.
It had penetrated some of the mysteries of nonlinearity for the first time, and established links between fields that previously seemed unrelated.
Our AQRTP Workshop participants turned to the question of where one might look for quantum nonlinearities with a better chance of finding them than in atoms.