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The Collaborative International Dictionary

nonlethal \nonlethal\ adj. not capable of causing death.


a. (alternative spelling of non-lethal English) n. (alternative spelling of non-lethal English)


adj. not capable of causing death

Usage examples of "nonlethal".

He tapped at the control surface on the top of the weapon, configuring it to a powerful but nonlethal setting.

Any ham-handed lurch at the joystick was instantly dumbed down into a gentle, nonlethal veer or dip.

His centuries of existence gave him no experience with weapons outside those nonlethal nets, prods, and galvanizers needed to ward off kraken or capture Europan sea life.

Basically, it was a gun, and in spite of its deceptive nonlethal appearance, it would literally turn a shark inside out If one of the razor-toothed monsters came too close, the diver simply jammed the needled muzzle into the sandpaperlike hide and pulled a trigger, causing a canister of carbon dioxide to discharge into the shark's body.