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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nonimportation \Non*im`por*ta"tion\, n. Want or failure of importation; a not importing of commodities.


n. A policy of refusing to import goods; especially the policy in 18th century colonial America of preventing imports from Britain

Usage examples of "nonimportation".

The next day twenty-eight of its members, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and Richard Henry Lee, reconvened as the “late representatives of the people” in the Apollo Room of the Raleigh Tavern, where they adopted a series of resolutions prepared by Washington in which, as a continuation of the policy of nonimportation, they pledged not to purchase any taxed merchandise except paper so long as the Townshend duties remained.

There they pronounced an attack on one of the colonies an attack on all, entered into a nonimportation agreement with respect to British goods, and urged that arrangements be made, through the Committees of Corre­spondence, for representatives of each colony to meet in early Septem­ber 1774 in Philadelphia as a Continental Congress.

As the nonimportation feature of the Continental Association had actually hurt America more than Britain, by causing shortages and inflation and preventing the acquisition of gunpowder and other war materiel, Congress decided to authorize trade in military stores.