n. An act or policy of not disclose.
Usage examples of "nondisclosure".
Then, five days after he signed the nondisclosure agreement, he broke it.
This is the reason why your nondisclosure agreements are so important.
There was one new stipulation in this contract, however: a strict nondisclosure agreement.
For Korman and Marat, this new nondisclosure stipulation was a problem.
Distribution of Internal information Policy: Internal information is information to be shared only within the company or with other Trusted persons who have signed a nondisclosure agreement.
Verify identity of requester as active employee or verify nondisclosure agreement on file and management approval for non employees.
Both widget guys want to get nondisclosure agreements before they go in and lift their skirts.
More important, if a VC signs a nondisclosure, it opens itself up to liability.
Reaching into my jacket pocket, I pull out the nondisclosure agreement and hand it to Katkin.
And just to get that far, I had to sign three nondisclosure agreements.
Part of the condition of the sale was that each partner was required to sign a side confidentiality agreement--a nondisclosure agreement.
All had signed draconian nondisclosure agreements requiring them to post a significant personal bond in escrow, to submit to a polygraph test on request, and to allow ITC to tap their phones without notice.
Trill continued to be committed to a controversial policy of nondisclosure when it came to the symbionts, but Torias and Nilani had dutifully complied.
Every single one of them was a security risk, no matter how many nondisclosure forms they signed.
Nondisclosure is built into the statutes of the 1947 Act of Congress institutionalizing the CIA.