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a. 1 not classical. 2 (context physics English) Not governed by the rules of Newtonian mechanics, or by the classical theory of electromagnetism.


adj. not classical [ant: classical]


Nonclassical is an independent record label and club night founded in 2003 by the composer Gabriel Prokofiev, grandson of Sergei Prokofiev.

The name 'Nonclassical' is derived from the label's approach to classical music. Although the label releases contemporary classical music and the club night hosts live classical performances, they are presented in a 'non' classical way, i.e. not in keeping with standard classical music traditions.

CD releases feature remixes of original contemporary classical recordings and urban sleeve designs; the club-nights are held in London pubs, rock venues and nightclubs, with DJs playing in between live acts.

As well as being fuelled by a desire to reach new audiences, this alternative approach is significantly informed by G Prokofiev's previous experiences playing in punk-funk bands, putting on live gigs and releasing dance 12"s; along with the indie-rock roots of Nonclassical label manager David Halliwell (ex-manager of The Verve and Beta Band).

The label has released fourteen albums to date, each following a concept of recording new, contemporary classical music and then inviting a selection of musicians and producers from various genres to remix it. Artists such as Thom Yorke (Radiohead), Hot Chip, Vex'd, Max de Wardener, Simon Tong ( Gorillaz and The Verve), KREEPA, Dominic Murcott, John Maclean ( The Beta Band & The Aliens), Mira Calix, DJ Spooky, Tim Exile, and Gabriel Prokofiev have done remixes for the label.

Usage examples of "nonclassical".

I have preferred to endow Gallia Transalpina with a more pedestrian name because of the hideous confusion nonclassical readers would experience if they had to deal with Cis and Trans.

An unknown quantum state can be disassembled into, then later reconstructed from, purely classical information and purely nonclassical correlations .

Her face was beautiful but with just enough irregularity, a nose a trifle too long, lips a trifle too full, eyes a trifle too far apart, to make them nonclassical but highly individual.

An unknown quantum state can be disassembled into, then later reconstructed from, purely classical information and purely nonclassical correlations.