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a. Not academic; not related to academia. alt. Not academic; not related to academia. n. One who is not an academic.

Usage examples of "nonacademic".

We were not prepared for leadership on campuses where the world-the nonacademic world-pushes in at every door.

In recent years, I had become well known in certain academic circles as a collector of particular types of myths and legends and some of my correspondents were occasionally kind enough to forward material they had picked up from nonacademic sources.

Cousin Oliver and I had taken care to keep ourselves entertained with numerous nonacademic diversions.

Or nonacademic scholars of at least a dozen different disciplines, both scientific and otherwise.

Over the years, selection committees had come to discount a lack of athletic prowess if a candidate had excelled in some other nonacademic field.

Now her eyes were excited, her dark hair was piled up in a beauty-parlor do, and she was painted in a most nonacademic way.

Nau and Brughel had pissed away the lifetimes of nonacademic zipheads to make this art.

And, of course, do a beautiful snow-job on uninitiated undergraduates and the nonacademic community.

The undercurrents of nonacademic publishing were unknown to her, and she was interested in almost everything.