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n. a reformer who believes in passive resistance [syn: passive resister]

Usage examples of "non-resistant".

Without the Educator tape system the practice of all but the simplest forms of other-species surgery and medicine would have been impossible, but the tapes had one serious, psychological disadvantage that barred their use to all but the most stable, adaptable, and, he suspected in his own case, the most cowardly and non-resistant of minds.

Garrison went farther: he was a professional non-resistant, a root and branch opponent of both war and slavery.

A society where all were invariably aggressive would destroy itself by inner friction, and in a society where some are aggressive, others must be non-resistant, if there is to be any kind of order.

They are quite capable, for example, of causing a non-resistant human to fall madly into sexual infatuation with them, at will.