Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
Usage examples of "non-metal".
Imagine, a culture based on non-metal technology that possesses fighting ships, gliders, uses crossÂbows, and has no electric power generation or radio communication.
They are physiological classification GKSD, possibly warlike, and possessing limited, non-metal technology.
He told Tonlos of the different metals of Earth, the non-metals, and their occurrence.
That was no doubt light-matter, a non-metal, and as such, non-conductive to light.
Like sulphur, an electric non-metal, it reflected the base of which it was formed.
But instead of skin it was covered in the same shining non-metal as the ziggurat itself.
Now the non-metal skin was flesh, and she was like a woman - and yet like no woman that he had ever seen.
That was a simpler task than the demand for printed inÂstructions on how to build smaller non-metal telescopes: thick wherhide would suffice so long as the interior was painted black and sealed against dust.