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The Collaborative International Dictionary

non-Catholic \non-Catholic\ a. Not Roman Catholic; not adhering to the Catholic religion.


non-Catholic \non-Catholic\ n. A person who is not a Roman Catholic.


n. a religious person who is not a Catholic

Usage examples of "non-catholic".

When she told them she was going to marry not only a non-Catholic, but an agnostic as well, they said they wanted no more to do with her and under no circumstances would they attend the wedding.

A civil marriage was no marriage in the eyes of the Church, and while non-Catholics were allegedly the object of pity, there had been so few of them in her life that she found the idea rather exotic.

But it was odd that a member of the medical profession, which had taken an increasingly agnostic public posture throughout the last few decades, should choose religious art of any kind for his office walls, let alone such obvious denominational art that might offend non-Catholics or nonbelievers.