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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nominate \Nom"i*nate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Nominated; p. pr. & vb. n. Nominating.] [L. nominatus, p. p. of nominare to nominate, fr. nomen name. See Name.]

  1. To mention by name; to name. [Obs.]

    To nominate them all, it is impossible.

  2. To call; to entitle; to denominate. [Obs.]

  3. To set down in express terms; to state. [Obs.]

    Is it so nominated in the bond?

  4. To name, or designate by name, for an office or place; to appoint; esp., to name as a candidate for an election, choice, or appointment; to propose by name, or offer the name of, as a candidate for an office or place.


vb. (present participle of nominate English)

Usage examples of "nominating".

She topped her career finally by being the indispensable key person in nominating a presidential candidate of one of the two major parties.

Can you bank $1,000 before your candidate files his nominating petition?

In the past, Sarapis had been quite active in the behind-the-scenes activities at both the Democratic-Republican and the Liberal Party nominating conventions.

He won't come in until the end of the nominating speech and then of course all hell will break loose.

The distortion, the invading pres­ence from one light-week away, had cleared for a time, and he could see and hear the delegate from Montana delivering the nominating speech for Alfonse Gam.

Next you will be nominating Brother Avelyn for sainthood," he scoffed.

Then more quietly, so that Francis could not hear, he added, “And I will watch the course of the nominating carefully, I assure you, and if Agronguerre of Belfour is to win, then I will back him as vehemently as Bou-raiy, and I will become indispensable to the man, as I was to Father Abbot Markwart.