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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Noli-me-tangere \No"li-me-tan"ge*re\, n. [L., touch me not.]

  1. (Bot.)

    1. Any plant of a genus of herbs ( Impatiens) having capsules which, if touched when ripe, discharge their seeds. -- See Impatiens.

    2. The squirting cucumber. See under Cucumber.

  2. (Med.) A name formerly applied to several varieties of ulcerous cutaneous diseases, but now restricted to Lupus exedens, an ulcerative affection of the nose.


n. a cancerous ulcer of soft tissue and bone

Usage examples of "noli-me-tangere".

But as soon as the notion arose, he felt it fizzling: she was friendly, she was good-looking, but she radiated an offputting vibe, a noli-me-tangere sort of thing, that was unmistakable and made any approach from him inappropriate.