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a. (context film arts English) Having the character of film noir

Usage examples of "noirish".

Namely, the near-future noirish thriller, Strange Days, set against the backdrop of New Year's Eve, 1999.

A movie, even a futuristic noirish thriller, has to make sense, and it has to have something to say.

One, a noirish untitled pencil sketch, showed the unnerving face of an obviously troubled young woman, while the other, “Lady in Black,” depicted a woman adorned in sadomasochistic garb looking as vulnerable as she did willing.

A scene like this, a ransom scene, calls for a noirish mood: shadows, sinister silhouettes.

It is (if you like tough, noirish thrillers -- as I do) as close to brilliant cinematic art as I've seen in recent years.

Over the course of a particularly noirish episode we learn that the Federation throughout its entire existence has indeed had a "dirty tricks" arm of the operation, code-named "Section 31" and obviously modeled after the real CIA.

No, don't picture a live-action version of some noirish anime adventure here.

He filed away, in his mind, everything he saw when he was strung out on drugs or drunk on cheap booze or spending nine months in local lockups--nightmarish, photographic visions that would fuel his noirish fiction.