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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Noctuary \Noc"tu*a*ry\ (?; 135), n. [L. noctu by night.] A record of what passes in the night; a nightly journal; -- distinguished from diary. [R.]


n. A record of what passes in the night; a nightly journal.


Noctuary may refer to:

  • Noctuary (band), an American black metal band formed in 1995
  • a song from Dial 'M' for Monkey (album)
  • a collection of short stories by American horror writer Thomas Ligotti
Noctuary (band)

Noctuary was an American black metal band formed in 1995 out of the ashes of small-time death-metal band Summoned. They are noted for being one of the premier new wave of American black metal bands in the mid to late 1990s.