The Collaborative International Dictionary
Nobel prize \No*bel" prize\n.; pl. No*bel" prizes. Prizes for the encouragement of men and women who work for the interests of humanity, established by the will of Alfred B. Nobel (1833-1896), the Swedish inventor of dynamite, who left his entire estate for this purpose. They are awarded yearly for what is regarded as the most important work during the year in physics, chemistry, medicine or physiology, idealistic literature, and service in the interest of peace. The prizes, averaging $40,000 each, were first awarded in 1901. The monetary value of the awards have increased each year, to near one million U. S. dollars by the end of the 20th century.
Note: The awards are administered by the [a HREF="http:]/">Nobel Foundation, which maintains a Web Page where the lists of prize winners and other information about the Nobel Prize may be found.
Usage examples of "nobel prizes".
He won a second Nobel Prize, this one in peace, for his work on the nuclear test ban, becoming the only person in history to win two unshared Nobel Prizes.
The writers with heavy sales, Nobel Prizes, and lovely country houses, the celebrated physicians with decorations and liveried servants, the professors with wealthy wives and brilliant salons, the chemists with posts on boards of directors, the philosophers with feuilleton factories who delivered charming lectures in overcrowded halls, for which they were rewarded with thunderous applause and floral tributes -- all such public figures disappeared and have not come back to this day.
The Nobel Prizes are going to give operants increased status you know help us to face down Baumgartner and the witch-burning yahoos the Court will rule in our favor it's got to we're citizens and the Benson Act is de facto disenfranchisement.
So I bought a little statistical package, and I asked it to test the hypothesis that a certain portion-a certain quota-of the Nobel Prizes since the year 2010 have been explicitly reserved on political grounds for the citizens of African nations.
The last five Nobel Prizes in Physics had been awarded for CERN system work, and no one was betting that that was the end of the string.
A committed liberal, he had shaped his lab in the 1930s to make space for a generation of refugees from Nazism who were later, in England and the US, to provide the cornerstones of research into modern biochemistry and in doing so to win a clutch of Nobel Prizes and find themselves enshrined in every student's text-book: Hans Krebs, Fritz Lipmann, Ernst Chain, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi and many others.
The ceremony of delivery of the Nobel prizes is very impressive, having the features of a national solemnity.
Priss has won two Nobel Prizes for sloshing around a few equations, but what has he done with it?
He was the third person in history to win two Nobel Prizes, and the first to have both of them in the sciences and both of then unshared.
Now, it should be pretty obvious that winners of Nobel prizes (for science) are selected by a process that relies heavily on advice from scientists.
I guess maybe he won't get any more Nobel Prizes after this, will he?
His reaction was to establish the Nobel prizes-including the famed Peace Prize-as a way to redirect what would certainly have been the dreadful judgment of history on his life.
Nilson said, once again with that special Olympian frown Kaye had only seen in older male scientists, winners of Nobel prizes.