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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He said that portion returned to the river would have a higher concentration of nitrates but would be diluted very quickly.
▪ A Many marine fishkeepers are worried about unduly high levels of nitrates in their tanks and tapwater, and quite rightly so.
▪ Beware of stocking new fish into such an environment - high nitrates may well kill them.
▪ I am not surprised you are experienced high nitrate levels.
▪ Babies in high nitrate areas are given bottled water.
▪ Water changes, with high nitrates in your tap water, are therefore less effective than they might be.
▪ An estimated 100-200,000 use private wells, many with high nitrate levels. 6.
▪ They weren't chemists; but they started mixing ammonium nitrate fertiliser with diesel fuel, and detonating the mixture with dynamite.
▪ By contrast, the manufacturers of ammonium nitrate fertiliser have always manfully ignored its explosive properties, despite frequent forceful reminders.
▪ Expensive commercial explosives continued to sell; consignments of cheap ammonium nitrate fertiliser continued to explode.
▪ I think your nitrate levels are to blame.
▪ Now is the time to put fears about nitrate levels in water into true perspective.
▪ I am not surprised you are experienced high nitrate levels.
▪ Heavily stocked or overfed tanks suffer the most and nitrate levels can quickly rise out of control if great care is not taken.
▪ Now if we can just lower our tapwater nitrate levels ... I hope you like our new series of free fish cards.
▪ An estimated 100-200,000 use private wells, many with high nitrate levels. 6.
▪ The Ecological Impact of Nitrates Two rivers illustrate the impact of nitrate pollution.
▪ According to the DoE, since 1979 government advice to cereal farmers has reduced autumn applications of nitrate by 60 percent.
▪ Brunner-Mond came to Billingham for the anhydride deposits which it could process into nitrates.
▪ But that very nitrate is sustaining the algae.
▪ But, with heavier stocking, even grass leaches more nitrate.
▪ Changes can be reduced by good filtration, which will remove ammonia and nitrite, and even nitrate.
▪ Does it complete the nitrogen cycle, ie. convert nitrate into nitrogen?
▪ Essentially the bacteria change the harmful ammonia and nitrites that are produced into harmless nitrates that are useful to living plants.
▪ The question of introducing nitrate protection zones got serious consideration only through the Nitrate Coordination Group in 1987.
▪ The smile appears forced, unsteady, seems to quaver, though it is frozen in silver nitrate.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nitrate \Ni"trate\, n. [Cf. F. nitrate.] (Chem.) A salt of nitric acid.

Nitrate of silver, a white crystalline salt ( AgNO3), used in photography and as a cauterizing agent; -- called also lunar caustic, and more commonly called silver nitrate.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1794, from French nitrate (1787) or formed in English from nitre + -ate (3). Related: Nitrates.


n. (context chemistry English) Any salt or ester of nitric acid. vb. To treat, or react, with nitric acid or a nitrate

  1. n. any compound containing the nitrate group (such as a salt or ester of nitric acid)

  2. v. treat with nitric acid, so as to change an organic compound into a nitrate; "nitroglycerin is obtained by nitrating glycerol"


Nitrate is a polyatomic ion with the molecular formula and a molecular mass of 62.0049 g/mol. Nitrates also describe the organic functional group RONO. These nitrate esters are a specialized class of explosives.

Usage examples of "nitrate".

If, after adding excess of silver nitrate to insure a complete precipitation, the arsenate of silver be filtered off, the weight of the arsenic could be estimated from the weight of silver arsenate formed.

She needed to see the basement, to examine the alembic itself and to see if there was any sign of a nitrate bomb.

Animal matter enters into combination with oxygen in precisely the same way as vegetable matter, but as, in addition to carbon and hydrogen, it contains nitrogen, the products of the eremacausis are more numerous, being carbon and nitrate of ammonia, carburetted and sulphuretted hydrogen, and water, and these ammoniacal salts greatly favor the growth of fungi.

How to make chloride of azode A good example of how ammonium nitrate can be chemically mixed with other substances, and impart its explosive qualities to these otherwise nonexplosive materials, is in the preparation of chloride of azode.

From these experiments it is clear that the quadrifid and bifid processes have the power of absorbing carbonate and nitrate of ammonia, and matter of some kind from a putrid infusion of meat.

Properly prepared, it is extremely inflammable, especially when it has been previously saturated with gunpowder, or boiled in a solution of nitrate or chlorate of potash.

The quantity of iron peroxidised is determined by taking a known quantity of ferrous salt, oxidizing with a weighed sample of nitrate, and then determining the residual ferrous iron by titration with bichromate or permanganate of potassium solution.

Nitrites are distinguished from nitrates by effervescing and yielding brown fumes when treated with a little dilute sulphuric acid.

What with our stopping for barely edible fast-food chicken-absolutely rife with monosodium glutamate, sodium nitrate, and God knows what other poisons-we arrived at the Sea and Sand Motel on the southern outskirts of Oceanside.

Cyrus Harding still needed, in view of his future preparation, another substance, nitrate of potash, which is better known under the name of salt niter, or of saltpeter.

On the monitor a chart appeared, giving the results from the analysis: bile pigments, stercobilin, urobilin, indole, nitrates, skatole, mercaptans, hydrogen sulfide.

For example: when sawdust is nitrated, it becomes nitrocellulose, and is used in smokeless powder.

I let her get rigatoni bolog-nese, even though the sausage in the sauce is probably steeped in nitrates that could harm a developing foetus.

The plant also contains tannin, resin, starch, succinic, malic, and acetic acids, with nitrate of potash, and other salts.

On the other hand, as much silver nitrate is required to give the yellow turbidity due to silver iodide as would be required if no zinc were present.