card. The cardinal number immediately following ninety-five and preceding ninety-seven.
Usage examples of "ninety-six".
The ten Earth years I had spent upon Barsoom had encompassed but five years and ninety-six days of Martian time, whose days are forty-one minutes longer than ours, and whose years number six hundred and eighty-seven days.
The jump area was twelve miles from the guerrilla training camp, ninety-six miles inside the Mozambican border.
Here, with his own force and that of Stewart, numbering fifteen hundred men, he was joined by Col. Cruger from Ninety-Six, with thirteen hundred more.
After the mix he picked twenty-one of the ninety-six tiles at random, then laid them out in a star-shaped pattern.
Petition against Javogues, with several pages of signatures, especially those of the inhabitants of Montbrison: "In the report made by him to the Convention he puts down coin and assignats at seven hundred and seventy-four thousand six hundred and ninety-six francs, while the spoils of one person provided him with five hundred thousand francs in cash.
The main Bug force retained a solid core of ninety-six superdreadnoughts and twenty-four battlecruisers, but every little bit helped.
Ninety-six tonnes of the bipropellant will be used to fuel the ERV, while twelve tonnes are available to support the use of high-powered, chemically fueled long-range ground vehicles.
Eleven houses and one convenience store simmering in that bright bald midwestern July glare, ninety degrees in the shade, ninety-six in the sun, hot enough that the air shimmers above the pavement as if over an open incinerator.
Again, as each person who attaches himself to any of these sects may adopt the mode of life either of the Cynics or of the other philosophers, this distinction will double the number, and so make ninety-six sects.
LNC's Hellbore remained operational, but he'd expended ninety-six percent of his depletable munitions, his starboard infinite repeaters were completely inoperable, and his command and control systems' efficiency was badly degraded.
Give it eight columns, ninety-six points, all caps: TERRIERS TERRORIZE TOURISTS.
Ours did this on ninety-six wooden ball bearings, each as big as a man's head.
If passed, the proposed legislation will close down six thousand agricultural producers, condemning ten thousand, eight-hundred ninety-six people to fiscal insolvency and unemployment.
We're looking from the left-wing camera which is running at ninety-six frames per second.
How long would it take you, not counting ninety-six minutes of lagtime, to get Tweed on the radio, talk to him and get his answer?