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a. Of a job, beginning at 9 a.m. and ending at 5 p.m., the usual office hours in the US, the UK and elsewhere.

Usage examples of "nine-to-five".

Like most fledgling writers, I had to work at a nine-to-five job to buy groceries and pay the rent.

Here were all these weekend mountaineers, solid nine-to-five types with a yen to cut loose, bugging off for distant campsites with cars full of hot dogs and charcoal and badminton rackets.

He was black ops, she was nine-to-five, two totally opposite lifestyles.

One version of the American dream, he reflected, was an office aerie like this one - a commanding height from which the captains of industry and commerce directed the nine-to-five weekday battle against government, consumers, environmentalists, and one another.

Bobby's credit report says her husband is an executive with the Postal Service, which is a nine-to-five job.

One-night stands, drinking binges, nine-to-five, Chicago Transit Authority, dark movie houses, football games on television, sleeping pills, the John Hancock Tower where the windows won't open so you can't breathe the smog or jump out.

Accumulation, she thinks, that's all, just the dispiriting accretion of nine-to-fives, of petty betrayals, minor sarcasms, slights, injustices, and plain rudeness collecting like refuse under a rotting wharf until one blighted morning all the fish are dead, there's no place left to swim, and if sweet alert Lou hadn't recognized the sniperlike narrowing in her eyes and hustled her out past Mickey's smirk and the confused management team, she just might have released a sampling of the words grown slow and secret as fungus behind the professional exterior she'd had to retouch almost hourly for the past nine months.