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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nightward \Night"ward\, a. Approaching toward night.


a. Toward night.

Usage examples of "nightward".

In the dusky half-light, he watched a little native Zuz-zous crackling down from the nightward sky toward a waterfront landing, its beacon flashing like a firefly.

On the nightward side of the city, the river was dammed into a sizable body of water, Lake Tegeler, that served as a landing area for the vast intergalactic starship terminal and also as the site of the race.

At its nightward end rose the galaxy^famous Martial Gate, striking symbol of its government's philosophy.

Located precisely five c'lenyts nightward from the great spaceport, it was a majestic series of arches resting on twelve splendid riotinic columns.

Under a light coating of dew she was a velvet study in reflected mauve with rose overtones against the indigo nightward sky.

At the noon pole, which is over an ocean and has been for as long as humans have been on the planet, the sun heats the air, and it rises, carrying water vapor, and it blows away nightward at high altitude.