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n. (context dentistry English) A guard worn on the tooth to prevent damage from bruxism during sleep.

Usage examples of "nightguard".

The nightguard, however, dashed over to the doorway and flung himself down on the carpet.

The nightguard, the same man who was in the yurt when they left, ran up to the door and dropped to one knee alongside the khahan.

He had traded a nightguard an ivory-hilted dagger for the coat and then spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the lice and vermin out of it.

While Sechen watered the horses, another nightguard came with a message for the wrestler.

No one had ever estimated the number of nightguards, the finest of the bodyguard, because the khahan had decreed anyone that curious would be beheaded.

Finally, Koja walked back toward his tent, the nightguards in his wake.

There were more nightguards present than usual, all in full Tuigan-style armor and tensely alert.

Outside, the finest and most trusted of the nightguards ringed the yurt.

However, even the khans took care not to alarm the nightguards who stood around Yamun's camp.