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n. A dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker, used mainly as an antianginal and antihypertensive.


n. calcium blocker (trade name Procardia); appears to increase the risk of recurrent heart attacks [syn: Procardia]


Nifedipine, sold under the brand names Adalat among others, is a medication used to manage angina, high blood pressure, Raynaud's phenomenon, and premature labor. It is one of the treatments of choice for Prinzmetal angina. It may be used to treat severe high blood pressure in pregnancy. Its use in preterm labor may allow more time for steroids to improve the baby's lungs and time to transfer the mother to a well qualified medical facility before delivery. Nifedipine is taken by mouth and comes in fast and slow release formulations.

Common side effects include lightheadedness, headache, feeling tired, leg swelling, cough, and shortness of breath. Serious side effects may include low blood pressure and heart failure. There is tentative evidence that its use in pregnancy is safe; however, it is not recommended during breastfeeding. It is a calcium channel blocker of the dihydropyridine type.

Nifedipine was discovered in 1969 and approved for use in the United States in 1981. It is on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system. It is available as a generic medication. The wholesale price in the developing world for the slow release form is about 1.90 to 3.80 USD per month. In the United States it is about 40 to 60 USD a month depending on the dose.