Crossword clues for nidal
a. 1 (context rare English) Of or pertaining to nests. 2 (context rare physiology English) Of the uterus, exhibiting thickening before implantation of an ovum. 3 Of or pertaining to a nidus.
Nidal (in Arabic نضال meaning struggle in Arabic) is a given name in Arabic. It is also used also as a pseudonym because of its meaning or as a nom de guerre.
Nidal may refer to:
Usage examples of "nidal".
Osama bin Laden appeared on the world stage, the spotlight rested largely upon Abu Nidal, a man who not only wrote the book on international terrorism, but published it as well.
Abu Nidal Organization, also known as the Fatah Revolutionary Council, or FRC, has carried out over ninety terrorist attacks across twenty countries, resulting in the death and injury of more than a thousand people.
At one point, the State Department classified Nidal and his people as the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world.
Abu Nidal went to great lengths to keep the fact that he even had a son hidden.
Vaile, that Abu Nidal turned the reins of the organization over to his son?
CIA actually believe this Hashim Nidal has the wherewithal to pull something like this off?
Hashim Nidal has to be stopped and his organization dismantled before he can launch any attacks within or against the United States.
Operation Phantom is to identify and eliminate Hashim Nidal before he can carry out his next attack, and hopefully dismantle his organization once and for all.
ID and termination of Hashim Nidal, after which you will return to your duties at the White House.
There was a brief history of Abu Nidal followed by a series of photos from scenes of terrorist attacks attributed to his son.
Somewhere in here we believe we have Hashim Nidal himself, as well as all of his men.
It was obvious to Harvath that Morrell was quickly coming to the end of his command ability, and there was no way he was going sit with his ass hanging out in the wind on top of the Jetway waiting for Hashim Nidal or one of his guys to pick them all off.
He swore to himself that the only way Hashim Nidal and any of his remaining men were going to be leaving this plane was feetfirst.
Abu Nidal had not worked as hard as he had to have it torn asunder by his idiot son.
ID Hashim Nidal, so instead of encouraging her to put everything behind her, like you were doing back in her room, we need to encourage her to work with us.