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nictitating membranes

n. (plural of nictitating membrane English)

Usage examples of "nictitating membranes".

His human eyes were essentially invisible behind the gogglelike, polarized, and nictitating membranes that made him look almost insectoid.

His nictitating membranes drew over the surface of his eyes to protect them from the icy blast of the wind, but he had to blink hard to make them return to where they belonged.

His nictitating membranes flicked back and forth, back and forth, protecting his eyes from the grit.

His eyes were obscured by their nictitating membranes, and his upper torso rocked back and forth like a dodderer's.

The inner nictitating membranes of his eyes spasmed shut for a second.

Black dust rose like spindrift, clogging her throat and causing her nictitating membranes to close over her eyes, just when she needed more light, not less!

Black,dust rose like spindrift, clogging her throat and causing her nictitating membranes to close over her eyes, just when she needed more light, not less!

Her eyes were large and round, half shuttered by the gray nictitating membranes.

He involuntarily flicked the nictitating membranes in, out across his eyes, to clear away any residual water that might be occluding his vision, but still couldn'.

In the near darkness he could see very little, and he was constantly having to look down to protect his eyes from the barrage of minuscule debris that threatened to rip the shielding nictitating membranes.