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  1. winking, blinking v

  2. (present participle of nictitate English)

Usage examples of "nictitating".

His lashless eyelids made a rare blink, and his third eyelid -- the nictitating membrane -- was flickering more rapidly than usual.

His human eyes were essentially invisible behind the gogglelike, polarized, and nictitating membranes that made him look almost insectoid.

They were tailless, had cloven hooves and small white eyes across which silvery nictitating membranes flashed.

At times their white eyes would seem to glint with intelligence, but then the nictitating membranes would blur them as if to deny the fact.

Age had, whitened the nictitating membrane and it was semi-retracted, giving her a hooded, hawkish aspect.

The dark eyes watched us, nictitating membrane blurring the slit pupils.

I wiped my hand, rolled her eyelid back with my thumb, the whiteless eye was opaqued by the nictitating membrane.

Eyes alert, nictitating membrane closed against the bright evening light.

There was the subtle flick of nictitating membrane that might mean amusement.

The nictitating membrane slid over her whiteless eyes and she was animal, alien, unfathomable.

The doctor retorted that theological students developed a third eyelid,--the nictitating membrane, which is so well known in birds, and which serves to shut out, not all light, but all the light they do not want.

The saur looks up, the nictitating membrane flickering across his huge, black, almond-shaped eyes.

Salasso was standing stock-still, nothing moving except the nictitating membranes flicking across his eyes.

He turned away and looked at the humans, his nictitating membranes flickering again.

The nictitating membranes of his large black eyes, and an occasional snort from his small nostrils or spit from his thin-lipped, inch-wide mouth were the only indications that the downpour affected him at all.