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nicotine gum

n. A form of chewing gum that slowly releases nicotine into the body; used by people who are trying to quit smoking

Nicotine gum

Nicotine gum is a type of chewing gum that delivers nicotine to the body. It is used as an aid in nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), a process for smoking cessation and quitting smokeless tobacco. The nicotine is delivered to the bloodstream via absorption by the tissues of the mouth.

It is currently available over-the-counter in Europe, the US and elsewhere. The pieces are usually available in individual foil packages and come in various flavors. Nicotine content is usually either 2 or 4 mg of nicotine, roughly the nicotine content of 1 or 2 cigarettes, with the appropriate content and dosage depending on the smoking habits of the user. Popular brands include Nicotex, Nicoderm, Nicorette, Nicogum, Nicotinell and Zonnic.

Alternative nicotine replacement products include the nicotine patch, nicotine pastilles/lozenges and the nicotine inhaler.

Usage examples of "nicotine gum".

There was an empty pack of the nicotine gum sitting in an ashtray the size of a salad bowl filled with butts.

Sam Kovac groused, digging a piece of nicotine gum out of a crumpled foil pack.

Jaw moving against a wad of nicotine gum, he steered the station wagon where indicated.

Psychologist Liz Gordon was chewing nicotine gum in the smoke-free room, nervously twirling a lock of short brown hair, sipping her dark coffee with three sugars and reading the new week's supermarket tabloids.

A husky woman with sparkling eyes and short, curly brown hair, Gordon was chewing nicotine gum and carrying her ever-present cup of coffee.