Nicor Gas is an energy company headquartered in Naperville, Illinois. Its largest subsidiary, Nicor Gas, is a natural gas distribution company. Founded in 1954, the company serves more than two million customers in a service territory that encompasses most of the northern third of Illinois, excluding the city of Chicago. Nicor has of pipelines.
AGL Resources announced its acquisition of Nicor in December 2010.
Usage examples of "nicor".
Be a advised that I am Nicor of Rishana, who is to umpire the forthcoming contest between Toka and Sarenn.
Alex, leaping from the bench and running wildly out to where Nicor stood.
The husband of Queen Joenna, Prince Nicor, was likewise killed in the conflict.
Joenna and Nicor must be sent down the river through the Dark Veils to paradise.
He craned his head back and saw the immense gold warshield of Prince Nicor suspended by silken cords immediately above and between the two biers.
His body was butchered but his soul remained, until Joenna found it, touched it, set it free, seeing at last that I was not Nicor at all.
The watchers had seen what they thought was the corpse of Nicor rise and fight.
Beside him, black and misshapen, hulked Nagrim the nicor, whose earthquake weight left a swathe of crushed plants.
If the nicor jumped them fast, their firearms might avail them naught.
Beside him, black and misshapen, hulked Nagrim the nicor, whose earthquake weight left a swath of crushed plants.
Presently he left Nagrim behind a rock-the nicor would only be useful in a fight-and crawled from bush to bush until he lay within man-lengths of the humans.
The nicors flung their bodies against the unalive invader and were consumed, until their Mother cried to them to retreat.