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Nicolò is an Italian male given name. It may refer to:

  • Nicolò Albertini, statesman
  • Nicolò Amati, luthier
  • Nicolò Brancaleon, artist
  • Nicolò Egidi, chemist
  • Nicolò Gabrielli, composer
  • Nicolò Gagliano, violin-maker
  • Nicolò Isouard (1773-1818), French composer
  • Nicolò Minato, poet
  • Nicolò Pacassi, architect
  • Nicolò Pollari, general
  • Nicolò Zanon, judge

Usage examples of "nicolo".

For the young Nicolo, the last survivor of their ancient name, was already set apart from the world by his priestly vows, amid the quiet groves of the island of San Nicolo.

San Nicolo, in the name of the Most Serene Prince and as proof that you are the chief gastaldo and head of the people of San Nicolo and San Raffaele.

San Nicolo send sunshine to dazzle the jewels in the eyes of Messer San Marco till we are safe beyond it and out of Chioggia!

San Nicolo, and shall be proof that thou bearest my orders and my trust.

But I dared to speak to Nicolo in my bath, dared to tell him those gemstone eyes would not be his for all time, that T.

Luchina and I hurried back, leaving a weary Nicolo to soak in a candlelit bath.

Angrily twirling his racing helmet by its strap, he was clad in racing overalls identical to those that Harlow was wearing: Nicolo Tracchia was, in fact, the No.

As Nicolo had reported, he was tossing fretfully, and though his eyes were closed he was frowning and muttering.

You will have not so much as a decent bonbon dish remaining if you let Nicolo loose.

Miss Hevner began to pass out the mugs as Miss Bright scooted Diana and Nicolo up in a pair of high chairs.

Felise and Nicolo possessed an abiding and guileless love for their elder sister.

But he did not really look at her, as he was engaged in helping Nicolo with a couple of his pages, which were not cleanly cut.

Danny signaled Harry to stop in front of Via Nicolo V, 22, an old, well-kept three-story apartment complex on a tree-lined street.

Fifteen minutes later, he was back at number 22 Via Nicolo V, taking the elevator up to the apartment.

Mercedes, break the window and retrieve the keys, and get Danny and Elena out of the apartment on Via Nicolo V.