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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Nicaraguan \Nicaraguan\ prop. adj.

  1. of or pertaining to Nicaragua; as, Nicaraguan earthquakes.

  2. Of or pertaining to the inhabitants of Nicaragua; as, Nicaraguan orphans.


Nicaraguan \Nicaraguan\ prop. n. A native or inhabitant of Nicaragua.

Nicaraguan (disambiguation)

Nicaraguan may refer to:

  • Something of, from, or related to Nicaragua, the largest country in Central America
    • Nicaraguans, people from Nicaragua or of Nicaraguan descent or heritage. For information about the Nicaraguan people, see Demographics of Nicaragua and Culture of Nicaragua. For specific persons, see List of Nicaraguans.
    • Nicaraguan Spanish, the variety of Central American Spanish spoken in Nicaragua. See also Languages of Nicaragua.
      • Nicaraguan Sign Language
    • Nicaraguan cuisine

Usage examples of "nicaraguan".

Since 1981, Reagan had authorized a covert CIA operation to assist the contras in the overthrow of the leftist Nicaraguan government.

Sumatran, Brazilian, Columbian, Nicaraguan, Costa Rican, Ecuadorean, Madagascar, Jamaican .

Nicaraguan wiring money to the Nauru account every time you happened to show up in Geneva.

Cubans and Nicaraguans actually did fight in the mountains with the rebels, Gadgets would have suspected the Salvadoran government was a Communist plot.

Terrell described it as a "continuous undercurrent of… really terrorist activity to try to draw the United States Government into direct conflict with the Nicaraguans because they were to be made to look like they were committing overt acts against a neutral and unarmed country, Costa Rica.

But the mid-thirties unit, seated under a blurry photo of the statue of the marine, hair to his shoulders, Nicaraguan peasant necklace, bicycle helmet on the table, now this was a GEE frogman.

Many are Mariel and Nicaraguan refugees who travel from as far south as 12oth Street, and as far west as the Collier County line.

Somoza sent every critic of his regime to the firing squads of the Nicaraguan National Guard.

One, a document initialed by the President, authorized a trip to Beijing (North had spelled it Peking) and directed the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to ask the Chinese to provide shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles for the Nicaraguan Resistance.

He and his team were expert at interdicting the Sandinista supply routes and sabotaging key industrial installations and other soft targets that disrupted the Nicaraguan economy.

Hornblower watched Gerard anxiously during that voyage up the Nicaraguan coast, and cursed his own tone deafness which made Lady Barbara's singing not merely indifferent to him but almost painful.