n. an article reporting news [syn: news story, newspaper article]
Usage examples of "news article".
I skipped to the news article on the other site and discovered why Daniel had chosen Olson.
His boss had been depressed for over a month now, but it had really gotten worse - the news article, that thing from Holtzman?
LuAnn jumped up, hastily ripped the news article out of the paper and stuffed it in her pocket.
Back then he'd been distant from things - emotionally close to the terrible parts, yet far away from what his friend was doing, approving it as though reading a news article on a ballgame.
Vicki'd protested when a news article on capital punishment had started the argument.
At first she was reluctant to talk to me, thinking that I was gathering information for a news article or book about the subject.
It took over an hour to type up the news article, and another thirty to do the more important part.
I had stared for a long time at the familiar name in the news article.