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newborn baby

n. a baby from birth to four weeks [syn: neonate, newborn, newborn infant]

Usage examples of "newborn baby".

Until a few years ago, the most extensive attempt to communicate with chimpanzees went something like this: A newborn chimp was taken into a household with a newborn baby, and both would be raised together-twin cribs, twin bassinets, twin high chairs, twin potties, twin diaper pails, twin baby powder cans.

I guess I hadn't realized just how little a newborn baby really is.

Then my parents wouldn't have had to travel here with a newborn baby.

I was no more ready to let go of life-of health, of pleasure, of prosperity-than a newborn baby screaming as loudly as Mary Beth had screamed.

But something had happened to Mistress Greal when she held the tiny newborn baby in her hands, and now Baralis and his schemes didn't seem nearly so important.

Jessica feared seeing the betrayal and disappointment on the Reverend Mother's face when she held up a newborn baby boy.

To see his newborn baby girl, Barty shared the sight of other Bartys, and he so adored this little wrinkled Mary that he sustained his vision all day, until a thunderous migraine became too much to bear and a sudden frightening slurring of speech drove him back to the comfort of blindness.

My guess is, they're what's left of the hands cut off a newborn baby we found on top of a Dumpster about four years ago.

The spell slowed their perception of time, in relation to you alone, so that they were always looking for a newborn baby, rather than a girl growing up.

Because of certain genetic and hormonal conditions, it was sometimes very difficult to determine the sex of a newborn baby.

Kahlan put a hand over her heart as she saw Nissel unwrap a newborn baby.

We could not protect the Princess forever, and anyway, she was a newborn baby who needed a mother.