Neveklov is a town in the Czech Republic. It is located west of Benešov and south of Prague.
The municipality covers an area of and as of 2015 it had a population of 2547. First written notice about the village is from year 1285.
The villages and hamlets of Tloskov, Dubovka, Zádolí, Hůrka Kapinos, Zárybnice, Spolí, Mlékovice, Heroutice, Borovka, Lipka, Ouštice, Radslavice, Dalešice, Bělice, Blažim, Jablonná, Nebřich, Neštětice, Chvojínek, Doloplazy, Přibyšice and Kožlí are administrative parts of Netvořice.