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n. (plural of neuroscientist English)

Usage examples of "neuroscientists".

While neuroscientists may identify specific neurophysiological events that arise as correlates to specific conscious states, it is not apparent what that would tell us about the nature or the origins of consciousness.

While some neuroscientists are seeking the neural correlates of conscious and unconscious mental states in humans, others are trying to identify the structural conditions over the course of evolution under which the first intentional capacities in living organisms could emerge.

Many neuroscientists who do accept military money argue that because what they do is basic research it is of no real military relevance and cannot be used directly - for instance to develop new types of chemical or biological weapons.

Such abstractions, for neuroscientists, include molecules, electrical fields, units of behaviour .

Since that time, especially during the past few decades, neuroscientists have made major advances in discovering ways in which the brain influences mental processes, but they remain in the dark as to the origins of states of consciousness and the nature of their precise inner constitution.

Likewise, neuroscientists may manipulate the brain so that one feels pleasure.

While neuroscientists are making wonderful strides in exploring the brain and its relation to the mind, when it comes to exploring the nature of consciousness itself, their research is inhibited by ideological taboos.

If qualia were simply nonexistent, none of us, including neuroscientists, would be able to perceive, understand, or actively engage with the world about us.

But most contemporary neuroscientists are absolutely committed to this strategy, a point that Searle apparently overlooks.