n. (plural of neuroscience English)
Usage examples of "neurosciences".
The vehicle slowed to a halt and hovered fifty feet above the roof of the Biochemistry building, which with Neurosciences and Physiology formed a trio facing the elongated bulk of Administration and Central Facilities across a plaza of colorful mosaic paving broken up by lawns and a bevy of fountains playing in the sun.
The modern field of cognitive science has come to include a diverse range of disciplines, including the neurosciences, artificial intelligence, philosophy of mind, psychology, linguistics, quantum theory, and evolutionary theory.
While scientific materialists generally acknowledge their ignorance of the origins, nature, and function of consciousness, they place their faith in future discoveries in the neurosciences to answer these questions.
After four centuries of advances in scientific knowledge, more than a century of psychological research, and roughly a half century of progress in the neurosciences, even most advocates of scientism acknowledge that science has yet to give any intelligible account of the nature of consciousness.
There are no shortcuts to gaining an undergraduate and graduate education in the neurosciences, and the development of technologies that have advanced this field has been made only with long, hard work.