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n. A neurologist or psychologist whose speciality is neuropsychology

Usage examples of "neuropsychologist".

Cicero wrote De Oratore, and at about the same time as, in Argentina, Borges was writing Funes the Memorious, the Russian neuropsychologist Alexander Luria encountered a patient with a peculiar problem, an apparent inability to forget.

Anthony Lane, both a psychiatrist and a neuropsychologist, who examined Rennell extensively and whom we wish to call as an expert witness.

I enjoyed the privilege of corresponding with the great neuropsychologist A.

Kenneth Payne, neuropsychologist and fellow here at the Belvedere Center for Sleep Research.

As neuropsychologists have striven to provide some coherent explanation of these effects in terms of brain structures and pathways, there have been attempts in the last few years to mimic the specific types of brain damage in humans by experimental studies with monkeys - experiments which have yielded valuable information about mechanisms and brain structures but have run into profound ethical conflicts about the legitimacy of deliberately damaging monkey brains in order to learn more about human brain processes.

So what can one learn of human memory by studying humans - especially the disorders of memory resulting from disease or accident — what neuropsychologists describe as inferring function from dysfunction?