n. A scientist who studies neurophysiology.
Usage examples of "neurophysiologist".
The evidence, however, points in the other direction: In experiments performed by the American neurophysiologist Ralph Gerard at the University of Michigan, hamsters were taught to run a simple maze and then chilled almost to the freezing point in a refrigerator, a kind of induced hibernation.
A large number of cases of frontal lesions-largely suffered in warfare and as gunshot wounds-have been investigated by the American neurophysiologist Hans-Lukas Teuber of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Canadian neurophysiologist Wilder Penfield that electrical stimulation of certain regions of the brain elicits full-blown hallucinations.
And within it, the brain became first a telegraphic signaling system and later, at the start of the present century, a telephone exchange, one of the several metaphors favoured by the great neurophysiologist Sherrington.
An alternative molluscan species, Hermissenda, has been championed as a rival to Aplysia by the Woods Hole-based neurophysiologist Dan Alkon.
There are lots of assiduously propagated myths about the almost mystical implications of lateralization in the human brain, ranging from radical feminist and biological determinist views on left-brain cognitive masculinity versus right-brain affective femininity to the claims of the Catholic Nobel Prizewinning neurophysiologist Sir John Eccles, who asserts that only humans show such functional lateralization, and that the left hemisphere is the seat of the soul.
Berkeley neurophysiologist Walter Freeman, writing with the philosopher Christine Skarda.
I was offended as a neurophysiologist to be completely ignorant of the process by which this most basic task was accomplished.
I had decided that life is the business of making happy memoriesand I was offended as a neurophysiologist to be completely ignorant of the process by which this most basic task was accomplished.
Stanislavski studied the work of Pavlov and his drooling dog and the work of neurophysiologist I.
While substantial redundancy in brain function is inevitable, the strong equipotent hypothesis is almost certainly wrong, and most contemporary neurophysiologists have rejected it.
Early neurophysiologists held that the neocortex was primarily connected only to other places in the neocortex, but it is now Known that there are many neural connections with the sub-cortical brain.
For many decades the prevailing view of neurophysiologists was that the frontal lobes, behind the forehead, are the sites of anticipation and planning for the future, both characteristically human functions.
Nineteenth-century neurophysiologists, studying the determinist arc that connects such a sensory input, via the neurons of the brain or spinal cord, to a motor output, described the phenomenon as a reflex.